About Brett​
I have worked as a Spirit Release Therapist and Psychotherapist for fifteen years. Prior to that I worked in the mental health field as a case worker, which was helpful in that gave me skill in differentiating between mental health symptoms and spirit attachment---an absolutely essential ability when performing spirit release work.
​My goal is to clear the way for clients access their own innate power to heal themselves, physically, psychologically and mentally, and to help them understand that this power is within their grasp. I studied hypnotherapy and psychotherapeutic techniques to this end, but early in my healing career experienced spontaneous events in which I clearly perceived controlling entities in some clients, which was the beginning of my career in Spiritual Release Therapy. Clients improved significantly after removal of those entities.
Working with entities has increasingly involved working with the spirit world generally, which has in turn involved helping clients awaken to, and utilise, their own spiritual nature via the very safe method of working with the Higher Self, variously called the Holy Spirit or the Buddha within or the Real Self---the part of the mind still in direct contact with our Source, and therefore, a most reliable guide.
My clairvoyant abilities enable me to clearly see, and communicate with, attached entities. This skill is important because it enables me to differentiate between a client's personality traits and effects caused by attached entities or thought forms. Misdiagnosis can easily leave a client worse off than they were before commencing therapy, for instance, if a therapist attributes certain symptoms to attached entities when there are none actually present, the client may believe they are being attacked by entities that neither the therapist nor the client can eradicate. That can leave a client feel disempowered, vulnerable and quite frightened.
Diploma: Clinical Hypnotherapy (Academy of Hypnotic Science)
Diploma: Ego State Therapy
Diploma: Holistic Counselling
Diploma: Natural Therapies
Reiki Master
Flight MH 370
An example of Brett's Psychic Work
Shortly after Flight MH 370 went missing over the Indian Ocean in March 2014, I was meditating in a group situation when I suddenly found myself under water. That didn't surprise me because I'm used to visiting unusual places in meditation.
But what struck me this time was that I was approaching the sloping fuselage of a passenger plane -- underwater. I entered the craft through a rent in the side of the fuselage to be confronted by a woman of Asian appearance who raged at me shouting, "Why didn't they do something? They knew for hours we were off course." Then she screamed at me to take her home to her family.
I realised she did not understand that she had died in that plane. She was the only passenger remaining; presumably the others had passed over to the Light. I tried to tell her that she could not go home, but she wasn't listening, she just kept yelling, trapped in a state of shock.
At that moment I looked up and saw, not too far away, an Asian family of two adults and two children, watching us and waiting patiently. I pointed them out to the remaining passenger and said, 'There's your family, over there.' The woman immediately dashed across to them and then departed with her family members.
I was aware that the pilot, who had planned and orchestrated the crash of the aircraft, was still in the cockpit in a highly disturbed state, but I was informed by my Higher Self that he could not be helped at that moment. Then immediately I was back in the room in which I sat in meditation. This was a little unusual in that I did not choose to visit Flight MH 370, but was more or less summoned. Maybe my Higher Self had heard the woman's cries for help. I went back later, looking for the captain, but he was no longer present by that time.
I have performed many 'rescues' of deceased people who were unaware they were in fact deceased, and some of those who were aware they were deceased but were too frightened to move on; however, MH 370 was certainly one of the more unusual cases.