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THE FIVE SESSION PROGRAM allows not only a deep clearing of attached earthbound entities and other spiritual attachments but also resolves the deep-seated traumas in the subconscious mind that leave you open to further possession. Unresolved trauma also produces its own thought forms that ambush you in life by surfacing unexpectedly in critical moments. Unresolved trauma generated negative though forms operate similarly to spiritual attachments, and are frequently mistaken for dark entities by clients and practitioners, leading to an unsatisfactory therapeutic result. This is why apparently successful spirit removal often does not resolve your problem, which returns after a few days of post-session relief. For instance, a thought form arising from a childhood trauma can be removed from the client’s energy field, but unless the childhood trauma is resolved in the subconscious mind by psychotherapy or hypnosis, the thought form will be regenerated because the emotional would of the trauma will still be present and will continue to surface in the life of the client. This five-session program is aimed precisely at eliminating these occurrences.


Spirit Attachment

There are two main types of attaching spirits: earthbound entities, which are the spirits of deceased human beings, and dark entities

which are discarnate in the sense of never having had a physical body.  This may create symptoms that you have been unable to rid yourself of with conventional treatments and alternative therapies.


Earthbound entities may be quite harmless, for example, if a child dies in hospital it may attach to the kind nurse who has been offering care. It may cause no trouble, and the nurse may be aware or unaware of its existence


Dark entities have never had a physical existence in any form, and they may appear in a variety of visual spiritual forms. They are always malignant, dedicated to destroying your physical, emotional and mental health.

You may have experienced:
Unnatural fatigued
Ever-changing complex physical symptoms
Persistent nightmares
Unwanted visits during the night when asleep
A cold spot in the house where you feel uneasy
A darkness in yourself after a traumatic experience
A sudden feeling that something has entered and occupied you
Feeling you are being watched
Mentally opposed and blocked in achieving goals
Electrical equipment continually failing in your presence
Animals disliking being in your presence?
These a just some of the symptoms you may experience with spirit attachment, but whatever the symptoms, they will always resist orthodox treatment. 


 A curse is when someone wants to hurt you, and possibly your family, without you knowing who is doing the hurting. They curse you by using their imagination to project negative energy to you. You may experience considerable discomfort or an apparently unfounded sense of fear, find dead birds or animals on your property, have an unusual run of 'bad luck' or misfortune, hear noises in your house, feel depressed, feel someone is watching you. If your unknown enemy does not feel strong enough to put a curse on you, they may hire a black witch or sorcerer to do the job for them. I have dealt with many such cases. 


A personality projection is when an ex-partner or significant person in your life, whether alive or deceased, projects a holographic energetic version of themselves into you. The motive may be to support or protect you, such as a mother supporting a child, but can be a negative attempt to possess and dominate. Either way, that form of projection will prevent you from fulfilling your life contract.

Children and Adolescents and SRT
It seems to be easy for entities to attach to children and adolescents. Children because their energy structure has not firmed-up in the way an adult's has, and therefore does not offer as much protection, and adolescents because they are often going through an emotionally turbulent period of their lives, and sometimes experiment with drugs and black magic, such as Ouija boards. I work with children and adolescents with behavioural problems with excellent results.

How Are Spirits Evicted?
Earth-bound entities are removed by direct negotiation between the entities and the therapist. Dark Entities rarely leave of their own free will and firmness is required in dealing with them. However, this is quite unlike the more violent process of exorcism, and will not traumatise you as can happen with a traditional exorcism.

I guarantee you gentle treatment, full confidentiality and the opportunity to be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.


Energy, vibration, and the spirit



Hi Brett

How are you?  Please see below for my testimonial.

I initially went to see Brett for assistance in overcoming lack of confidence and blockages I felt were holding me back from fully experiencing life at its fullest.  I had, what I can only describe as, a road block in my mind; I knew what I wanted to achieve in life but there was something stopping me from getting there that went much deeper than anything I could recognise myself. 

During the hypnotherapy Brett guided me into what I believed to be a past life of living alone in the woods surrounded by animals and so hurt by past relationships I cut myself off from the world.  Through guidance from Brett it was revealed that this was not my past life but that of an entity which had attached itself to me at birth. 

Brett’s expert questioning allowed the entity to leave me and I felt like a weight had been lifted from me and the heaviness and blockages removed.  I can’t describe how utterly different I felt after this session; it was like a new lease on life.  It’s now been 6 weeks since I had the hypnotherapy and the changes and shifts I have felt are still there and I feel much more positive, confident and most of all happy about all aspects of my life.

I have no hesitation in recommending Brett as a therapist.  He is kind, patient, empathetic and has a gentle manner of questioning which puts you at ease.  I had tried hypnotherapy before, but it did not have the profound and life changing effect of my session with Brett. ​


Anchor 1

When our spiritual form is glimpsed it reveals that the physical form is but a small and temporary representation of the brilliant, glorious beings of light that we really are. It is this spiritual reality that dark entities and our own ego-based thought forms would prevent us from realising.

 Types of Entities Commonly Removed

Thought Forms

Unconsciously self-generated energy forms, experienced internally and/or seen externally that have hardened over time and act as negative sub-personalities in conflict with your conscious will - often mistaken for possessing entities by inexperienced practitioners.

Dark Entity Attachments

Malevolent spirits dedicated to preventing you from fulfilling your potential as a spiritual being. More about Spiritual Attachment


Earthbound Entities

Souls of the deceased that have not gone to the light, but have instead, attach to your personal energy field. Others become ghosts, which are deceased humans residing in buildings or on geographical sites.​


Intrusive Past-life Personalities

These usually represent unresolved issues from past lives manifesting in this current incarnation.


​Controlling Personality Intrusions
The unwanted energy patterns or complexes of ex-partners, controlling parents or other significant people who, via their energy lodged in your energy field, have a negative influence on your self-expression and fulfillment of your potential.​


Alien and Past Life Monitoring Devices

Psychic implants introduced by alien researchers or in past life experiences.​


Cursed-induced Attachments

Hostile entities or attachments created by fellow humans in this life or past lives.​​ Your symptoms may include: personality disorders, mental health issues, night terrors, persistent fear, anxiety, paranoia, uncontrolled anger and rage


Things in Your House & Bedroom

Feeling of something sitting on your chest at night.
Sleep paralysis. 

Another person you can feel inside you.       

The shadowy figure you glimpse around the house.

The face in the mirror that fleetingly takes over your face in a mirror.

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