The Process of Remote Healing
I am often asked how remote healing is performed.
A remote session involves me entering into a trance state allowing me to tune into your energy field. In a trance state, I can clearly 'see' whatever thought forms or entities etc, that are present, and I can remove them or deal with them as is required. As the client, you do not have to do anything special while I am working for you remotely. You Higher Self and subconscious mind operate largely independently of the conscious mind in this process. It is your subconscious mind I am working with in remote counselling, in the same way I would if we were using hypnosis face-to-face.
I work with the Christ Consciousness, so there is no judgement involved and no chance of evil spirits attaching to you during the process of spirit release.
Once you have engaged me, we will communicate via phone or email. At this point I am keen to hear exactly what it is that troubles you, and then I will know how I can help you. ​

In the right conditions a flower will unfold, and when free to do so will the soul.
Coma Communication
Do you have a family member or friend in a coma and wish you could communicate with them -- know what is going on in that unresponsive body?
As a psychic I can put myself into a trance state that matches the brain wave pattern that a person in coma is experiencing. In that state of mind I can communicate quite clearly with a comatose person, and then pass that communication on to you. For this type of communication I always obtain permission from the Higher Self of the comatose person before establishing communication with the personality with whom I wish to speak.
The results of communication with a comatose patient are never predictable; sometimes the person is very confused and not sure why they are in the 'place' they are in; other people may be aware of that has happened to them and have very definite ideas about what they want. However, just as in the waking state, they are often open to negotiation.
Once given some personal details about the client including a photograph, I can complete the communication on a remote basis.
It is my mission to use these skills to heal and inform. Healing not only for the client directly concerned but also for friends and relatives who are concerned for a loved one.
All information is held in strict confidence. Email addresses, phone numbers and other information is not passed on to other parties.
It is also important to note that when I tune into your energy field, I am only given information relating to the matter we are working on. I am never given information about other areas of your life.
Q.What is a 'remote session?
A. In a remote session I access your energy field while in a trance and remote from your current location. This is a highly efficient way for me to scan for and locate negative entities such as dark entities, thought forms, and earthbound entities. I will inform you before I conduct such a session, although you will be unlikely to be aware of the actual process. A scan can also be conducted in a personal session.
Q. Will you access anything potentially embarrassing about me in a remote session?
A. No. In a scan I am led by my Higher Self which shows me only visuals related directly to your presenting issue. That information is also safeguarded by my therapists guarantee of confidentiality.